Tuesday 4 October 2011


What has Julia Gillard  got to gain by concealing gross misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act in the Federal Attorney General Robert McClellands portfolio????


What has Senator Brandis got to gain by refusing to expose gross misconduct  and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act????


Why is the Deputy leader of the opposition in the Senate failing to expose gross misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act??? What is Senator Brandis HIDING?????


Why is Senator Brandis the Shadow Attorney General failing to expose gross misconduct of the Bankruptcy Act? What has Senator Brandis got to hide?????


Why is Senator Williams failing to exopose evidence of Gross misconduct of the Bankruptcy Act. Is Senator Williams a fake???

Monday 3 October 2011

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Why is Veronique Ingram Inspector General covering up gross misconduct at ITSA?


Powers exercisable at discretion of trustee [see Table B]
             (1)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may do all or any of the following things:
                     (a)  sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt;
                    (aa)  accept, without terms or conditions, or subject to terms and conditions, a sum of money payable at a future time as the consideration or part of the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt;
                   (ab)  lease any property of the bankrupt;
                    (ac)  divide among the creditors, in its existing form and according to its estimated value, property that, by reason of its peculiar nature or other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be sold;
                     (b)  carry on a business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary to dispose of it or wind it up for the benefit of creditors;
                     (c)  postpone the winding-up of the estate;
                     (d)  prove in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
                   (da)  mortgage or charge any of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of the debts provable in the bankruptcy;
                     (e)  compromise any debt claimed to be due to the bankrupt or any claim by the bankrupt;
                      (f)  make a compromise with a creditor or a person claiming to be a creditor in respect of a debt provable, or claimed to be provable, in the bankruptcy;
                     (g)  make a compromise in respect of any claim arising out of the administration of the estate of the bankrupt, whether the claim is made by or against the trustee;
                     (h)  deal with property to which the bankrupt is beneficially entitled as tenant in tail in the same manner as the bankrupt could deal with it if he or she were not a bankrupt;
                      (i)  obtain such advice or assistance as he or she considers desirable relating to the administration of the estate or to the conduct or affairs of the bankrupt;
                    (ia)  refer any dispute to arbitration;
                      (j)  bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the administration of the estate;
                     (k)  execute powers of attorney, deeds or other instruments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect; and
                    (m)  employ the bankrupt:
                              (i)  to superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                             (ii)  to carry on the bankrupt's trade or business for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors; or
                            (iii)  to assist in any other way in administering the property of the bankrupt;
                            and, in consideration of the bankrupt's services, make such allowance to the bankrupt out of the estate as the trustee considers reasonable;
                  (ma)  make such allowance out of the estate as he or she thinks just to the bankrupt, the spouse or de facto partner of the bankrupt or the family of the bankrupt;
Note:       See also subsection 5(6).
                     (n)  superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                     (o)  administer the property of the bankrupt in any other way.
          (1A)  An allowance made to the bankrupt in pursuance of paragraph (1)(m) may be reduced by the Court upon the application of an interested person.
             (3)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may use his or her own discretion in the administration of the estate.
             (4)  The trustee may at any time apply to the Court for directions in respect of a matter arising in connexion with the administration of the estate.
Note:          Section 178 allows an application to be made to the Court by the bankrupt, a creditor or any other person who is affected by an act, omission or decision of the trustee.

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

The Official receiver Guilia Inga of the  Insolvency Trustee Australia Australia uses section 134 to assist bankrupts  breach the Bankruptcy Act.
What the F..K it only refers to property!
 This section does not give Senior staff discretion on the entire Bankruptcy Act!!


Powers exercisable at discretion of trustee [see Table B]
             (1)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may do all or any of the following things:
                     (a)  sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt;
                    (aa)  accept, without terms or conditions, or subject to terms and conditions, a sum of money payable at a future time as the consideration or part of the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt;
                   (ab)  lease any property of the bankrupt;
                    (ac)  divide among the creditors, in its existing form and according to its estimated value, property that, by reason of its peculiar nature or other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be sold;
                     (b)  carry on a business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary to dispose of it or wind it up for the benefit of creditors;
                     (c)  postpone the winding-up of the estate;
                     (d)  prove in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
                   (da)  mortgage or charge any of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of the debts provable in the bankruptcy;
                     (e)  compromise any debt claimed to be due to the bankrupt or any claim by the bankrupt;
                      (f)  make a compromise with a creditor or a person claiming to be a creditor in respect of a debt provable, or claimed to be provable, in the bankruptcy;
                     (g)  make a compromise in respect of any claim arising out of the administration of the estate of the bankrupt, whether the claim is made by or against the trustee;
                     (h)  deal with property to which the bankrupt is beneficially entitled as tenant in tail in the same manner as the bankrupt could deal with it if he or she were not a bankrupt;
                      (i)  obtain such advice or assistance as he or she considers desirable relating to the administration of the estate or to the conduct or affairs of the bankrupt;
                    (ia)  refer any dispute to arbitration;
                      (j)  bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the administration of the estate;
                     (k)  execute powers of attorney, deeds or other instruments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect; and
                    (m)  employ the bankrupt:
                              (i)  to superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                             (ii)  to carry on the bankrupt's trade or business for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors; or
                            (iii)  to assist in any other way in administering the property of the bankrupt;
                            and, in consideration of the bankrupt's services, make such allowance to the bankrupt out of the estate as the trustee considers reasonable;
                  (ma)  make such allowance out of the estate as he or she thinks just to the bankrupt, the spouse or de facto partner of the bankrupt or the family of the bankrupt;
Note:       See also subsection 5(6).
                     (n)  superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                     (o)  administer the property of the bankrupt in any other way.
          (1A)  An allowance made to the bankrupt in pursuance of paragraph (1)(m) may be reduced by the Court upon the application of an interested person.
             (3)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may use his or her own discretion in the administration of the estate.
             (4)  The trustee may at any time apply to the Court for directions in respect of a matter arising in connexion with the administration of the estate.
Note:          Section 178 allows an application to be made to the Court by the bankrupt, a creditor or any other person who is affected by an act, omission or decision of the trustee.

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia are using section 134 to give Senior staff at Itsa discretion  to breach  the entire Bankruptcy Act.
All you idiots in the Senate it only applies to property..........................
Julie Padgett uses this section not  to assist bankrupts from being referred to Enforcement
What the F..k it only refers to property!


Powers exercisable at discretion of trustee [see Table B]
             (1)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may do all or any of the following things:
                     (a)  sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt;
                    (aa)  accept, without terms or conditions, or subject to terms and conditions, a sum of money payable at a future time as the consideration or part of the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt;
                   (ab)  lease any property of the bankrupt;
                    (ac)  divide among the creditors, in its existing form and according to its estimated value, property that, by reason of its peculiar nature or other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be sold;
                     (b)  carry on a business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary to dispose of it or wind it up for the benefit of creditors;
                     (c)  postpone the winding-up of the estate;
                     (d)  prove in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
                   (da)  mortgage or charge any of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of the debts provable in the bankruptcy;
                     (e)  compromise any debt claimed to be due to the bankrupt or any claim by the bankrupt;
                      (f)  make a compromise with a creditor or a person claiming to be a creditor in respect of a debt provable, or claimed to be provable, in the bankruptcy;
                     (g)  make a compromise in respect of any claim arising out of the administration of the estate of the bankrupt, whether the claim is made by or against the trustee;
                     (h)  deal with property to which the bankrupt is beneficially entitled as tenant in tail in the same manner as the bankrupt could deal with it if he or she were not a bankrupt;
                      (i)  obtain such advice or assistance as he or she considers desirable relating to the administration of the estate or to the conduct or affairs of the bankrupt;
                    (ia)  refer any dispute to arbitration;
                      (j)  bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the administration of the estate;
                     (k)  execute powers of attorney, deeds or other instruments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect; and
                    (m)  employ the bankrupt:
                              (i)  to superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                             (ii)  to carry on the bankrupt's trade or business for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors; or
                            (iii)  to assist in any other way in administering the property of the bankrupt;
                            and, in consideration of the bankrupt's services, make such allowance to the bankrupt out of the estate as the trustee considers reasonable;
                  (ma)  make such allowance out of the estate as he or she thinks just to the bankrupt, the spouse or de facto partner of the bankrupt or the family of the bankrupt;
Note:       See also subsection 5(6).
                     (n)  superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                     (o)  administer the property of the bankrupt in any other way.
          (1A)  An allowance made to the bankrupt in pursuance of paragraph (1)(m) may be reduced by the Court upon the application of an interested person.
             (3)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may use his or her own discretion in the administration of the estate.
             (4)  The trustee may at any time apply to the Court for directions in respect of a matter arising in connexion with the administration of the estate.
Note:          Section 178 allows an application to be made to the Court by the bankrupt, a creditor or any other person who is affected by an act, omission or decision of the trustee.

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

 Senior Management at the Insolvency Trustee service Australia are using section 134 to justify Misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA. Bankruptcy Regulations should identify these breaches but Bankruptcy Regulations  ( Mark Findlay) is concealing  and covering it up.
All you idiots in the senate particularly Senator Brandis and Senator Williams , you stupid idiots... you don;t understand Itsa because you are failing to understand the systemic misconduct which is prevalent there.
+++++All you donkeys in the senate this section does not not apply to misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act. It refers to property only+++++++++++++++++++++++++


Powers exercisable at discretion of trustee [see Table B]
             (1)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may do all or any of the following things:
                     (a)  sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt;
                    (aa)  accept, without terms or conditions, or subject to terms and conditions, a sum of money payable at a future time as the consideration or part of the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt;
                   (ab)  lease any property of the bankrupt;
                    (ac)  divide among the creditors, in its existing form and according to its estimated value, property that, by reason of its peculiar nature or other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be sold;
                     (b)  carry on a business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary to dispose of it or wind it up for the benefit of creditors;
                     (c)  postpone the winding-up of the estate;
                     (d)  prove in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
                   (da)  mortgage or charge any of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of the debts provable in the bankruptcy;
                     (e)  compromise any debt claimed to be due to the bankrupt or any claim by the bankrupt;
                      (f)  make a compromise with a creditor or a person claiming to be a creditor in respect of a debt provable, or claimed to be provable, in the bankruptcy;
                     (g)  make a compromise in respect of any claim arising out of the administration of the estate of the bankrupt, whether the claim is made by or against the trustee;
                     (h)  deal with property to which the bankrupt is beneficially entitled as tenant in tail in the same manner as the bankrupt could deal with it if he or she were not a bankrupt;
                      (i)  obtain such advice or assistance as he or she considers desirable relating to the administration of the estate or to the conduct or affairs of the bankrupt;
                    (ia)  refer any dispute to arbitration;
                      (j)  bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the administration of the estate;
                     (k)  execute powers of attorney, deeds or other instruments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect; and
                    (m)  employ the bankrupt:
                              (i)  to superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                             (ii)  to carry on the bankrupt's trade or business for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors; or
                            (iii)  to assist in any other way in administering the property of the bankrupt;
                            and, in consideration of the bankrupt's services, make such allowance to the bankrupt out of the estate as the trustee considers reasonable;
                  (ma)  make such allowance out of the estate as he or she thinks just to the bankrupt, the spouse or de facto partner of the bankrupt or the family of the bankrupt;
Note:       See also subsection 5(6).
                     (n)  superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                     (o)  administer the property of the bankrupt in any other way.
          (1A)  An allowance made to the bankrupt in pursuance of paragraph (1)(m) may be reduced by the Court upon the application of an interested person.
             (3)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may use his or her own discretion in the administration of the estate.
             (4)  The trustee may at any time apply to the Court for directions in respect of a matter arising in connexion with the administration of the estate.
Note:          Section 178 allows an application to be made to the Court by the bankrupt, a creditor or any other person who is affected by an act, omission or decision of the trustee.

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Mark Findlay Bankruptcy Regulations Insolvency Trustee Serviceb Australia  is using section 134 to cover up and  and conceal breaches of the Bankruptcy At at ITSA.
 Mark Findlay you are a donkey and this section does not apply to misconduct and breaches stupid....


Powers exercisable at discretion of trustee [see Table B]
             (1)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may do all or any of the following things:
                     (a)  sell all or any part of the property of the bankrupt;
                    (aa)  accept, without terms or conditions, or subject to terms and conditions, a sum of money payable at a future time as the consideration or part of the consideration for the sale of any property of the bankrupt;
                   (ab)  lease any property of the bankrupt;
                    (ac)  divide among the creditors, in its existing form and according to its estimated value, property that, by reason of its peculiar nature or other special circumstances, cannot readily or advantageously be sold;
                     (b)  carry on a business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary to dispose of it or wind it up for the benefit of creditors;
                     (c)  postpone the winding-up of the estate;
                     (d)  prove in respect of any debt due to the bankrupt;
                   (da)  mortgage or charge any of the property of the bankrupt for the purpose of raising money for the payment of the debts provable in the bankruptcy;
                     (e)  compromise any debt claimed to be due to the bankrupt or any claim by the bankrupt;
                      (f)  make a compromise with a creditor or a person claiming to be a creditor in respect of a debt provable, or claimed to be provable, in the bankruptcy;
                     (g)  make a compromise in respect of any claim arising out of the administration of the estate of the bankrupt, whether the claim is made by or against the trustee;
                     (h)  deal with property to which the bankrupt is beneficially entitled as tenant in tail in the same manner as the bankrupt could deal with it if he or she were not a bankrupt;
                      (i)  obtain such advice or assistance as he or she considers desirable relating to the administration of the estate or to the conduct or affairs of the bankrupt;
                    (ia)  refer any dispute to arbitration;
                      (j)  bring, institute or defend any action or other legal proceeding relating to the administration of the estate;
                     (k)  execute powers of attorney, deeds or other instruments for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into effect; and
                    (m)  employ the bankrupt:
                              (i)  to superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                             (ii)  to carry on the bankrupt's trade or business for the benefit of the bankrupt's creditors; or
                            (iii)  to assist in any other way in administering the property of the bankrupt;
                            and, in consideration of the bankrupt's services, make such allowance to the bankrupt out of the estate as the trustee considers reasonable;
                  (ma)  make such allowance out of the estate as he or she thinks just to the bankrupt, the spouse or de facto partner of the bankrupt or the family of the bankrupt;
Note:       See also subsection 5(6).
                     (n)  superintend the management of the whole, or a part, of the property of the bankrupt;
                     (o)  administer the property of the bankrupt in any other way.
          (1A)  An allowance made to the bankrupt in pursuance of paragraph (1)(m) may be reduced by the Court upon the application of an interested person.
             (3)  Subject to this Act, the trustee may use his or her own discretion in the administration of the estate.
             (4)  The trustee may at any time apply to the Court for directions in respect of a matter arising in connexion with the administration of the estate.
Note:          Section 178 allows an application to be made to the Court by the bankrupt, a creditor or any other person who is affected by an act, omission or decision of the trustee.

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Mark Findlay Bankruptcy Regulations is grossly negligent in his position at the Insolvency trustee Service Australia.

Friday 30 September 2011

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Mark Findlay covers-up and conceals Misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Got trouble with senior staff at the Insolvency trustee Service Australia.......... don't even bother giving evidence to Veronique Ingram and the Commonwealth Ombudsman......... because of their negligence of duty it will be covered up....................

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Got money to hide????????? Go and see The Insolvency trustee Service Australia........... Hiding money? No problem you have less then 01% chance of being caught especially if you are dealing with Mark Findlay and Julie Padgett..........

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

 Thinking of going bankrupt???????????? got money to hide?????? No problem.! Go and see ITSA. What a Scam!!!!!!!!!!

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

 Thinking of going bankrupt???? Got money to hide........... go and see ITSA...........................They will help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

 What a Scam!!!! Don't even bother complaining to Veronique Ingram Inspector General  Bankruptcy because she will cover -up any evidence of misconduct by senior staff at ITSA...

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Veronique Ingram Inspector General Insolvency   Trustee Service Australia covers up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Be careful of the scam at the Insolvency trustee service Australia by Mark Findlay and Adam Toma!!!!

Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

What out for the scam at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia by senior Management!!!!!!