Saturday 16 June 2012

Statistics of the Defence Department 2010/2012

Who is protecting abuse and misconduct  in the Defence  Services????
Of course it is the Commonwealth Ombudsman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 2010/2011 there were 1,047 Complaints made to the Commonwealth Ombdudsman about the Defence Services.
Of these 756 were trashed, another 256 were inadequately investigated,
97 of these should have been referred to the Defence Minister but the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal with the head of the Defence Department to cover  these up.

Come see how many other Government department the Mong Alison Larkins covers up for at .............
Commonwealth Ombudsman Statistics 2/ kiss my Arse; FOI Response/APS Commission; steve Sedgwick APSC kisses Arse of 33 Agency Heads... Commissioner Steve SedgwickAPSC/Changes to the APS...

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