Saturday 14 July 2012

Freedom of Information /APSC/ Information Minister

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 12:40:17 +1000

To whom it may concern,

                                following is an email sent to  Information Commissioner concerning the complete lack of response I have received regarding my request .
Documents I have already received clearly  show  he is corrupt and fails to follow  necessary guidelines in investigations
I would promptly  recommend you respond to my request.
The refusal to acknowledge this clearly shows Karin Fisher and Steve Sedgick are aware  that their actions  are a breach of guidelines set by the Federal Government
Fiona Brown

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 12:25:00 +1000

To whom it may concern,
I refer to the two emails  following that I sent to the Freedom of Information officer at the Australian Public Service Commission 7 and 14 days ago to which I have received no response.
I have already received documents from the APSC which clearly show a complete  lack of compiance with  Commonwealth  Investigation standards and also show how the Commissioner Steve Sedgwick uses  his position of power to cover-up corrupt practices in Government departments.
Under Freedom of Information I am requesting a copy of the emails or letters sent to Agency Heads requesting information on the allegations  when a complaint is made under S16 or Section 41(F) of th Australian Public Service Act in the financial year 2009-20010.
I would appreciate a quick response.
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

Subject: Freedom of Information
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 11:57:24 +1000

Hi Chris ,
 I emailed you last week and requested under Freedom of information  that I obtain a copy of all the emails or similar sent to Agency Heads concerning complaints  under S41 0f the APS Act in the past financial year.  As yet I have received no reply.
I now also am seeking a copy Under Freedom of Information  of the APS   internal manuel for procedures for Government employees.
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

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