Sunday 30 December 2012

Paul Pattison /Veronique Ingram /ITSA

It appears Veronique Ingram, Inspector General in Bankruptcy needs a big cock up her ARSE.......................
I refer to  the following from Hansard in May 2012 where Senator Williams questioned Veronique Ingram on Paul Pattison....................

Senator WILLIAMS: Folks from ITSA, I want to take you to a couple of issues. I want to take you to Mr Paul Pattison—you would be familiar with the name?
Ms Ingram : Yes.
Senator WILLIAMS: He was deregistered as a trustee in bankruptcy after he had voluntarily resigned from his 272 active matters in July last year. I think I have raised this issue of Mr Pattison with you before. I want to raise with you a matter that involved Mr Pattison and Mr Alex Kane Mircevski, of Victoria. You would be familiar with this long-running battle with Mr Pattison?
Ms Ingram : I am aware of some of the issues, yes.
Senator WILLIAMS: I refer to a letter dated 12 August 2009 signed by you, Ms Ingram. It is a response to complaints Mr Mircevski made to the Attorney-General on 17 and 8 July 2009. You refer to a letter dated 19 June 2009 which indicated the conduct of the trustee was not considered inappropriate. What investigations of Mr Pattison led your Bankruptcy Regulation Branch to that conclusion?
Ms Ingram : It is important to note that the trustee, Mr Pattison, has been deregistered. I do not want to reveal the details of that deregistration, but it principally related to his lack of resources to run a trustee business, if you can call it that. The companies he was using, in terms of his corporate insolvency practice, had gone into voluntary administration. Another one had gone into liquidation. We were examining his systems and files and also came to the view that, after those procedures had happened, he no longer had the resources to undertake a trustee business. As to the issue with Mr Mircevski, yes we did review his matter and we did not uncover any improper conduct on the part of the trustee.

It would appear that Veronique Ingram  definitely needs a good fuck up the arse to help her recall that Bankruptcy Relations had received 9 complaints about Pattison in the 12 months prior to his de-registration. 5 of these complaints warranted investigation.  Freedom of information, Dave Maher from ITSA did not acknowledge whether there was any investigation carried out  on any  complaint.

Eight trustees voluntarily resigned during 2011–12 and one trustee registration was cancelled
involuntarily. The lone decision to cancel involuntarily has been appealed in the AAT
The Inspector-General also commenced disciplinary action against a further two trustees for
failing to exercise their powers or carry out their duties properly. This action required the trustees
to show cause as to why they should not have their registrations cancelled. In both instances
the Inspector-General was not satisfied with the response from the trustees and took action to
convene statutory committees to determine if the trustees should remain registered

So why did the eight Trustee's resign in 2011-2012 and who was the trustee that had his registration cancelled involuntarily????
Was there somebody more shonkey than Paul Pattison??? It is on the court records that Paul Pattison voluntarily resigned!!!
Who in ITSA is protecting serious corrupt conduct and fraudulent activities???????????????
 Veronique Ingram is ultimately responsible, though what part is Adam Toma responsible for  and is Adam Toma  and skanky Veronique Ingram in this together????
Adam Toma is profiting from his  involvement  in this.

A very serious question now should be asked................. is Adam Toma protecting corrupt trustee's  for a slice of their action.
Also is Adam Toma using insider knowledge to force people in financial difficulty to sell their property to him at a huge discount????
How very funny when I start my property searches on Adam Toma  and senior Management at ITSA................... also  who else is Adam Toma involved with that also warrants investigation into their financial dealings????????????

Friday 28 December 2012

FOI Australian Public Service Commission

As the Australian Public Service Commission has fucked over  everyone who made a complaint about Agency or Department Heads or by whistleblowers except one which was investigated and covered up by the fucker Robert Cornell AO who had been the Secretary for the Attorney General Department for 8  years  I have  now asked for the names of the people  who took the time to complain to the APS Commission.

I will then be able to look these people up on the electrol roles and ask them for a copy of their complaint and post it on this blog.
This will show how the Commissioner Steve Sedgwick and the skanky ethics manager fuck over anyone who complains and brings it to the attention of the APS


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 14:45:19 +1100

Hi Chris,
Thank you for your email on whistleblowers.
As you are unable to provide me with  a copy of the complaints to the Australian Public Service Commission by Whistleblowers and also under S41(f) of the PS Act for the past 2 financial years because the APS Commission claims this would breach confidentiality and therefore are exempt from FOI  could you please supply me ( under FOI) with the names of the  people that made these complaints and the states they  live  and  I will contact these people direct.
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

Senator John Faulkner/ Commonwealth Ombudsman

Here is  another Senator wanking his own COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although  this  fucker  has considerable political experience he fails to  UNDERSTAND the Commonwealth Ombudsman does not have an investigation policy.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman only  receive the enormous amount of complaints because there is NO  transparency and no investigation  policy . Senator Faulkner must have his fist up he arse to even to even contemplate thinking   this way.
 According to the  Ombudsman  Act,it is an obligation for the Commonwealth Ombudsman to expose Administrative  Deficiency  in Government Departments.
Senator Faulkner is aware this is not carried out according to the  Ombudsman's Act.
Senator Faulkner needs a good fuck up the ARSE  and so do all his office staff for covering this up!!!!


There is much work that the Commonwealth Ombudsman does. It is not just a complaints hotline. The Ombudsman serves as an important purpose of following up on individual citizen's cases as well as conducting investigations, producing reports to assist agencies ensure transparency and making submissions to parliamentary inquiries. I think the work of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is critically important. I commend its work and I commend the annual report of the Commonwealth Ombudsman to the Senate.

WHAT SHIT coming from this fucker from the Australian Labor Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senator FAULKNER (New South Wales) (18:50): In relation to the Commonwealth Ombudsman's annual report 2011-12, I move:

  That the Senate take note of the document.

As senators would be aware, the Commonwealth Ombudsman is the first port of call for many Australians who believe that they have been aggrieved by an executive decision. The ombudsman, as we know, is a pillar of our administrative law regime in Australia. Without the Commonwealth Ombudsman, many Australians would not have an opportunity to seek review of an executive decision. Their only option, really, would be to proceed through the Administrative Review Tribunal or through the Federal Court via the ADJR Act. Despite costs orders, the prohibitive cost of litigation means that, without the Commonwealth Ombudsman, review of government actions would simply be out of reach for so many of those people who need it most. This annual report provides some very interesting statistics. Over the past year the number of complaints to the Commonwealth Ombudsman has increased from 38,919 to 40,009. I acknowledge that this is a double-edged sword because although 40,000 Australians felt aggrieved enough by decisions of the executive government to complain to the Ombudsman, it is heartening that so many Australians are seeking justice through the merits review the Commonwealth Ombudsman provides. On the positive side, the number of complaints that related to correctness, propriety or timeliness of agency decisions or actions was down from 72 per cent to 70 per cent.
But unsurprisingly the agency which tops the list of complaints is Centrelink, then Australia Post, the ATO, child support and immigration round out the top five. Over the last three years the number of complaints about Centrelink to the Commonwealth Ombudsman fell, but in 2011-12 the number of complaints rose. The report identifies accessibility to Centrelink as a common ground for review. The report notes that telephonic communication with Centrelink can be problematic, and many Centrelink recipients had difficulties understanding correspondence from Centrelink. Many of Centrelink's services are migrating online and as a result the Commonwealth Ombudsman notes that age pension recipients and to a lesser extent disability support pension recipients have difficulty accessing these online services.
I am pleased to say that the government has listened to the complaints of those who use Centrelink and has responded. As my colleague Minister Kim Carr said today, the government was aware that the average call wait times this year peaked at an unacceptable 16 minutes. New technology and the deployment of more staff using new methods to respond to phone calls has meant that as of today the average call wait time is down to six minutes and 15 seconds. I also note that Minister Carr informed the Senate in question time today that the call-back service will be extended, allowing more citizens to go about their business while not losing their place in the queue.
There is much work that the Commonwealth Ombudsman does. It is not just a complaints hotline. The Ombudsman serves as an important purpose of following up on individual citizen's cases as well as conducting investigations, producing reports to assist agencies ensure transparency and making submissions to parliamentary inquiries. I think the work of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is critically important. I commend its work and I commend the annual report of the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Friday 21 December 2012

blah Blah Blah from ASIC

Here we go  again with some Blah , Blah . Blah from ASIC on how to fuck everyone over.
So we have  another Government Legal Department   using "discretion ".
This is the department where mad Bob Katter's daughter worked  before she resigned  after trying to knock out a child care worker at her daughters pre-school in Mosman

12-241MR ASIC relief decisions: February to May 2012

Friday 28 September 2012

ASIC has released its latest report about decisions on applications to grant relief from the law, covering 1 February to 31 May 2012.

The report, Overview of decisions on relief applications (February to May 2012) (REP 303), aims to improve the level of transparency and the quality of publicly available information about decisions ASIC makes when asked to exercise its discretionary powers to grant relief from provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act), the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act) or the National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009 (Transitional Act). The report also discusses the various relevant publications released during this period.

ASIC uses its discretion to vary or set aside certain requirements of the law where there is a net regulatory benefit or where ASIC can facilitate business without harming other stakeholders.

REP 303 summarises examples of situations where ASIC has exercised, or refused to exercise, its exemption and modification powers under the Corporations Act. The report also highlights instances where ASIC has considered adopting a no-action position regarding specified non-compliance with statutory provisions. Decisions by ASIC to refuse to exercise its powers are described on an anonymous basis.

The report provides examples of decisions that demonstrate how ASIC has applied its policy in practice which ASIC thinks will be of particular interest for capital market participants and for participants in the consumer credit and financial services industries. The report includes an appendix detailing the relief instruments referred to.


ASIC can modify or set aside certain provisions of Chapters 2D (officers and employees), 2J (share buy-backs), 2L (debentures), 2M (financial reporting and audit), 5C (managed investment schemes), 6 (takeovers), 6A (compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs), 6C (information about ownership of entities), 6D (fundraising) and 7 (financial services) of the Corporations Act.

ASIC also has powers to grant relief under the National Credit Act from the licensing provisions in Chapter 2 and the responsible lending conduct provisions in Chapter 3. ASIC has powers to give relief from the registration provisions in Schedule 2 of the Transitional Act.

ASIC publishes a copy of most of the relief instruments issued in the ASIC Gazette, which is available from the ASIC website. Credit instruments are available from the ASIC website under ‘Credit relief’. 

Applying for relief

Applications for relief must be in writing and should address the requirements set out in Regulatory Guide 51 Applications for relief (RG 51) (and any other regulatory guides relevant to the application).

Applications can be submitted electronically to Fees are applicable for relief applications.


Monday 17 December 2012

FOI ITSA's investigation policy/still nothing supplied

My original Freedom of Information request for ITSA' s investigation policy was made on the 5th August 2012.
It is not surprising that ITSA has refused to supply this .
On the 5th November the Office of the Information Commissioner had to make ITSA aware of the obligations to supply this. The request should have been received no latter than the 9th December.
As yet I have received nothing. OAIC had to be contacted last tuesday and again today.
Adam Toma had made it clear that Dave Maher was to supply nothing to me.
I find this rather amusing because  this fucker Adam Toma is National Enforcement Manager at ITSA and this cock is corrupt.
So let us see who has the last laugh when I do property searches on Adam Toma and post them all up on the internet!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 15 December 2012

FOI Commonwealth Ombudsman

Subject: RE: Your FOI request of 14 October 2012 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 13:16:36 +1100

Dear Luke
I refer to  the following taken from the Commonwealth Ombudsmans Annual Report 2010-2011. Under Freedom of Information please supply me with a copy of each of these complaints.

Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia

The number of complaints to the Ombudsman concerning the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) has remained at around 70 per year for the last three years. The majority of complaints were from those who were themselves bankrupt (almost 75%) and regarded the administration of the estate or issues relating to discharge from bankruptcy. The remainder were from creditors or an associated entity with issues relating to the administration of the estate.
We continue to work with ITSA to bring continuous improvement to its management of complaints.

In the most recent Annual report the Commonwealth Ombudsman ( Colin Neave) has made a decision not to give the statistics  of  complaints on individual  Government Agencies instead concealing the statistics and only giving statistics on Government  Portfolio's.
Under Freedom of Information I would like the Commonwealth Ombudsman to supply me with the statistics  2011-2012   on individual Agencies and departments as in the Annual report 2010-2011.
It is also a requirement  that the Commonwealth Ombudsman refer any matters of systemic corrupt conduct to the relevant Minister.
In the matter of the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia it is the Attorney General.
Please also supply me under Freedom of Information any policy that the Commonwealth Ombudsman  has made not to  comply with this obligation
Thank you
Fiona Brown
So who else besides Adam Toma is on the take.............. Is there somebody at the Commonwealth Ombudsman who is on the take also and they are protecting each other???????????????

Friday 7 December 2012

Waiting for my FOI request/ ITSA/Dave Maher

I  can hardly wait for Monday to arrive . It will be so exciting to finally have my Freedom of Information Request from ITSA on their Investigation Policy
Originally this was requested from Dave Maher , the Freedom of Information co-ordinator at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia on the 5th August 2012. This request was never  answered.
The Office of the Information Commissioner had to intervene.

I am certain all male senior Management would all be pulling their cocks  attempting to come up with a policy that complies with their obligations.

Whether it be the fucker Adam Toma , National  Enforcement  Manager who is  on the take and attempting to stand over people  or the other fucker Gavin McCosker National Operations Manager from Queensland   who allows bankrupts to file false statement of Affairs to name a few, senior management at ITSA are all required to comply with an Investigation policy.
Senator Williams is also still waiting  for a reply to   questions asked to  Veronique Ingram  in May  2012.

There have been another 2 FOI requests to ITSA enquiring into the knowledge ITSA was aware of atrocious conduct  and failed to  act accordingly.
It is also interesting that ITSA have failed to update their disclosure log, which could mean they do not receive any FOI requests or that  ITSA fails to respond to any requests.

Subject: FOI request [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 05:28:53 +0000

Dear Ms Brown
I refer to the FOI request which you purported to send to ITSA on 22 July 2012 and your subsequent complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC ) about ITSA’s lack of response (copy of relevant e-mails attached).

ITSA has been contacted by the OAIC about this matter.  ITSA advised the OAIC that your e-mails of 22 July and 5 August were not received, as e-mail correspondence from you has been blocked since October 2009 – you were advised of this by e-mail from Adam Toma (scanned copy attached).

The OAIC asked ITSA whether it would be prepared to consider their contact with us as constituting receipt of your FOI request.  ITSA agreed to this on 7 November 2012 and I therefore acknowledge receipt of your FOI request on that date.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) ITSA has 30 days from receipt of an FOI request to make a decision whether to grant access to the documents sought.  This period can be extended if consultation is required with third parties; with the consent of the OAIC if the request is complex or voluminous; or with the consent of the applicant.  If I consider that an extension of time to process your request is required I will contact you.  If I decide to refuse access to one or more documents relevant to your request I will advise you in writing of the reasons for that refusal and of your right to seek a review of the decision.

Please note that the e-mail block remains in place, therefore any e-mails you may send to ITSA will not be received.  If you wish to correspond with ITSA about your FOI request you should write to:

The FOI Coordinator
GPO Box 821

Dave Maher
FOI Coordinator

Monday 3 December 2012

FOI ITSA Dave Maher

Dave Maher
FOI Officer
GPO 821
Canbera 2601

4th December 2012

Dear Mr Maher,
You  and ITSA have been made aware of your obligations of Freedom of Information requests by the Office of the Information Commissioner.

I therefore would now like to make the following requests for documents  held by ITSA. This would be additional to the previous requests I have made and as yet have not received.
I am still waiting for a copy of  ITSA's investigation policy as required by the Financial Management and Accountability Act

I am now requesting the statement of Affairs of George Adler. He is a 3 time bankrupt. I am requesting the Statement of Affairs filed by Adler on his last bankruptcy. I also request any statements or documents requested by Tibor Karolyi before ITSA and Tibor Karoly granted George Adler overseas travel. Also if Florence Choo was involved in the decision.

I also request the periodic updates  by ITSA  to creditors on the Bankruptcy of Jamie- Lee Alexander and what investigations Jason Briggs commenced to  satisfy ITSA that Alexander had not filed a false statement of Affairs.
I refer to an email  on the 30th November 2012 from the Commonwealth Ombudsman  stating that these periodic updates were sent to creditors. Therefore I would like a copy of them.

Also as my previous request on the  18th November any complaints made to ITSA or Bankruptcy regulations on George Adler.

Thank you
Fiona Brown

 This is my previous letter to you so it will refresh  your memory::::::::::::

Letter to Dave Maher
RE:::: Freedom of Information
Mr Dave Maher
FOI Co-ordinator 
GPO Box 821 
Canberra 2601

18th November 2012

Dear Mr Maher,
You are aware under FOI I have requested a copy of ITSA's investigation policy.

This should not be confused with Itsa's fraud policy.

 Unfortunately it has been necessary for the  Office of the Information Minister  to made you aware of your obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

According to the FMA Act  ITSA  is required to publish a disclosure log. I am aware ITSA has not posted anything on it since April 2012. Please supply me a copy of ITSA's disclosure log for the period April 2010-April 2012.
The FMA Act and the AGIS requires investigators to have a certain level of qualification. I  therefore request under FOI to be supplied the qualifications of all Bankruptcy Regulation staff in Australia.
In particular I am interested in the qualifications of Mark Findlay and Adam Toma.

Also under FOI   supply me with copies  from  the register of complaints which have been lodged on Paul Pattison, Stuart Ariff Florence Choo Tibor Karolyi.

Please also supply me under FOI a copy of the register which discloses the dates Veronique Ingram received complaints on the conduct of Senior Management at ITSA, Paul Pattison and Stuart Ariff.
Thank you
Fiona Brown

Email toGavin McCosker RE: Jamie Lee Alexanders Statement of Affairs

Gavin McCosker
National Manager
Corporate Strategy and support
Insolvency Trustee Service Australia
Re Statement of Affairs of Jamie Lee Alexander

Dear Mr McCosker ,
I refer to your email dated 22nd November 2012.
I would like to bring to your attention errors in this email.
It is the obligation of ITSA as the Official Trustee in the Bankruptcy to ensure Alexander did not file a false statement of Affairs. Therefore I request you email me  the creditors reports that ITSA would have emailed periodically to creditors as referred to in the email from the Ombudsman dated 30.11.2012.
I also request what investigations ITSA made to assess that Alexander was not liable to pay his creditors.
Considering that Alexander sold property within the 5 year clawback what inquiries did Jason Briggs commence to establish where this money is concealed ?
Furthermore, your referral of Alexander as “She” is incorrect.
I realise it now has tits, though I do not find this unusual as some men who are obese have acquired these though I have never met a woman who has a big hairy cock hanging between their legs.
Fiona Brown

Friday 30 November 2012

Bankrupt George Adler's Media Releases

George Adler is a three time bankrupt, struck off solicitor and has spent time in jail for obtaining money with deception.
Despite all this Tibor Karolyi  from ITSA allowed him to travel overseas and now he is lost to the system. It is unclear if he ever returned to Australia. It is too easy for a bankrupt to change their name and assume a new identity.
Under freedom of Information Adler's statement of Affairs  is to be sought. Although it is mandatory for a statement of Affairs to be filed it is unclear if Tibor Karolyi  obtained this before overseas travel. It is also a breach of the duty of a trustee (S19)to fail  to have this complied with.
Also FOI will also reveal whether Tibor Karolyi  extended Adlers Bankruptcy.
Tibor Karolyi's neglect of duty in this matter is atrocious. Before  authorising overseas travel Karolyi  would have taken statements from the bankrupt. I am aware Karolyi is not of good character and any admissions by Adler would be concealed.
Tibor Karolyi's ex-wife was a high School teacher in Sydney's West. This predator woman had an affair with one of her students. It is disturbing that Mrs Karolyi lusted after her male students.
Tibor  then remarried  an asian woman that worked for him at ITSA.
Tibor Karolyi  now woks for Tayeh De Vries at Parramatta.
It is also unclear if Tibor Karolyi requested money from Adler before also granting travel.

Commonwealth Ombudsman statistics 2011-2012

This is the Commonwealth Ombudsmans statistics for 2011-2012.
The New Commonwealth Ombudsman is Collin Neave. He is on a salary of $380,00 to fuck over anyone who makes a complaint about Government Agencies or Departments.
He  has been the Banking industry Ombudsman ( admitting he only investigated 18% of complaints) and more recently the Financial Services Ombudsman ( FOS).
With this amount of experience it is clear he has his fingers up everyone's ARSE.

 The statistics this financial year   do not reveal a clear picture of complaints. Instead , this fucker at the Commonwealth Ombudsman has made a decision that  statistics on complaints should only be revealed on Government portfolio and not individual Departments as it has always been. 

George Masri( Assistant Senior Commonwealth Ombudsman)  after a FOI request on the Investigation standards of the Commonwealth Ombudsman clearly states that the " Commonwealth Ombudsman  do not have an investigation Policy"
All I can say is " Keep wanking yourself George or get Colin Neave to wank you"

appendix 3: statistics

Statistics concerning the Portfolio
Total Received ApproachesCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Total Finalised Approaches
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry95344113492
Broadband, Communications and the
Digital Economy
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency9931292713100
Commonwealth Parliamentary444
Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations
Families, Housing, Community
Services and Indigenous Affairs
Finance and Deregulation1112864139114
Foreign Affairs and Trade140795153138
Health and Ageing1626465314164
Human Services89674910187519842799048
Immigration and Citizenship192110057352295112021
Industry, Innovation, Science,
Research and Tertiary Education
Infrastructure and Transport76292517677
Prime Minister and Cabinet241582126
Regional Australia, Local
Government, Arts and Sport
Resources, Energy and Tourism9162110
Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities
Out of Jurisdiction/OMB1710116100930121817159
Overseas Student Ombudsman58818342172381571
Private Postal Operators367253136
GRAND TOTAL40092270198662861861940477


Statistics concerning the Portfolio continued
Action expeditedApologyDecisions changed or reconsideredDisciplinary actionExplanationFinancial RemedyLaw, policy or practice changedOther non-financial remedyRemedy provided by agency without Ombudsman interventionGrand Total
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry211137121116
Broadband, Communications and the
Digital Economy
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency3362716624242
Commonwealth Parliamentary     
Courts        1113
Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations
Families, Housing, Community
Services and Indigenous Affairs
Finance and Deregulation128113811113
Foreign Affairs and Trade    1182  12
Health and Ageing512311613230
Human Services441191337251265474201061402999
Immigration and Citizenship20182517611121914196
Industry, Innovation, Science,
Research and Tertiary Education
Infrastructure and Transport324176251124
Prime Minister and Cabinet1      2  3
Regional Australia, Local
Government, Arts and Sport
21    3  17
Resources, Energy and Tourism        2   13
Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities
1            113
Treasury9167 35332011392921668
Out of Jurisdiction/OMB                   
Overseas Student Ombudsman61257  83526184238
Private Postal Operators111131  8

Friday 23 November 2012

NSW Crime Commission misconduct/Similarities to ITSA

This is  from the  Sydney Daily Telegraph and refers to an investigation into the NSW Crime Commission.
This shows what occurs when there is no compliance with the required  Legislation.
Also it should be noted that "top investigator"  Mark Standen was jailed for 22  years in 2011. Clearly it should be asked who  at the NSW Crime Commission turned a blind eye to the corruption
Also how many complaints about the Crime Commission were fucked over by the NSW Ombudsman.


The  chief solicitor at the NSW Crime Commission  Mr John Giorgutti and the crime Commission's boss Phillip Bradley had unfortunately  misinterpreted  the Legislation.
However Jerrol Cripps QC, former Judge at the Supreme Court, former Head of NSW ICAC , Acting Police Integity Commissioner to name some found there was no misconduct  or corrupt conduct and their  misconduct was genuinely done ( whatever the fuck that means)
It only goes to prove my point that Supreme Court Judges like to wank their own cocks too.
The similarities in the report tabled in the NSW Parliament this week and the Insolvency Trustee Service show that  if there is no appropriate and mandatory checks done on Government Agencies  there is a high probability for corruption  to occur.
Matthew Osborne who is the Principal Legal Officer at ITSA has been reported to the Commonwealth Ombudsman for deliberately advising trustees how to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
However as I have already said, the Senior Assistant Ombudsman George Masri  has told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy. Obviously Masri also enjoys wanking his cock.

It also will be interesting when I start doing property searches on Senior Management at ITSA. It should also be particularly interesting to find out how some property was acquired

ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.

The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.

Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.

The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.

He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.

However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.

The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.

The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.

Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.

The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.

In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.

Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.

Dressed in the prison greens that will now be his uniform until at least 2024, Standen sat impassively in the dock of the Supreme Court as Justice James spent nearly two hours detailing his plot with former food wholesaler Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty and his one-time informant and drug trafficker James Kinch.
Skip to end of sidebar.

One fax undid a top cop
BUT for a single-page fax sent from a kiosk north of Amsterdam, the life and crimes of Mark Standen would never have been known.

Justice James said Standen was motivated by growing debts to take part in the plot that stood to earn him millions of dollars. At a sentencing hearing for Standen last month, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC said "it was hard to conceive a more grave breach of trust", given his senior position at the NSW Crime Commission - an "abuse" that was taken into account by Justice James.
"A matter seriously aggravating the prisoner's criminality was his misuse of knowledge and contacts he had acquired in his career as a law enforcement officer and the abuse of his position with the NSW Crime Commission," the judge said.
"As an assistant director of investigations with the NSW Crime Commission, one of his duties was to investigate drug trafficking, that is, criminal conduct of the very sort in which he engaged.
"(His) motive was clearly financial gain for himself ... not for the purchase of luxury items, but to clear himself of his debts.
"I take these matters into account. However ... they afford little mitigation (because) the amount of money which the prisoner anticipated receiving as his remuneration went far beyond the amount required to pay off his debts."
Standen has been in custody since his high-profile arrest in June 2008. Backdating of his 16 year non-parole period means he will be eligible for release on June 1, 2024.
Justice James said Standen "had a long and successful career as a law enforcement officer (and) he has suffered extra-curial punishment in the loss of his career and in public disgrace and humiliation".
Standen's two brothers attended most of his long trial, and were in court yesterday to hear the final chapter.
Standen acknowledged them before he was led away by sheriffs, completing his spectacular downfall from respected senior drug investigator to convicted criminal.

Monday 19 November 2012

APS commissioners Directions

Under Freedom of Information it has been revealed that the Australian Public Service Commission has no Investigation policy. It appears Commissioner Steve Sedgwick enjoys wanking himself.
The Attorney General's Investigation policy Pages 28, 29 and 30 gives the directions of the Public Service Commissioner in relation to determining breaches of the code of conduct . This would include deliberate breaches of Australian Law.
Section 5.4 of the Attorney General's Investigation standard requires that the person making the determination of breaches be independent and unbiased.

In the 2 previous financial years the wanker Sedgwick APSC Commissioner and the skank Karin Fisher, Ethics Manager has made the determination that all but one whistleblower or Agency Heads complaints should be fucked over. Another investigation was done by the Fucker Robert Cornall AO ( who received this award for licking arses) and loves the taste of shit.
The fact that Sedgwick and Fisher are not independent and in senior management at the APSC would have disqualified them for making decisions on breaches of conduct. As the emails show to Alison Larkins, the fat Mong that was acting Commonwealth Ombudsman and Veronique Ingram who along with Karin Fisher and Helen Daniels of the Attorney Generals department needs a night with a Truckie there was no obvious compliance with any AGIS standards.
An investigation also carried out by the Fucker Robert Cornall is a conflict of interest because his old fag worked for the Attorney Generals department and there was no independence.
The APSC have now gone to extreme lengths to establish the qualifications of Robert Cornall to me to carry out the investigation which fucked over whistleblowers and referral of Agency heads, however it is obvious that this fucker has a conflict of Interest.
Under FOI it has now been requested to obtain the statistics on Whistleblowers S16 and referral of Agency Heads S41(f) for the past 10 years to establish how long this behaviour has been occurring at the APSC

Attorney Generals investigation standards/ disclosure log

This is a copy of the Attorney Generals Investigation Standards as required by the Financial Management and accountability Act.
It was obtained under Freedom of Information.
A special note should be made that both the Australian Public Service Commission ( who has the responsibility of Whistleblowers complaints and referral of Agency Heads under S41(f) and the Commonwealth Ombudsman who according to the wanker assistant Senior Ombudsman George Masri does not need an investigation policy because it( Commonwealth Ombudsman ) does not do investigations.
These pages can be enlarged for easier reading.

It is also particularly interesting that pages 28, 29 and 30 of the Attorney Generals Investigation Standards refer to the directions of the Public Service Commissioner.
***Basic requirements for procedures for Determining breaches of Code of conduct.***

It is also required under S5.4 that persons making determination must be independent and unbiased.
This would disqualify any Agency or Department Heads from the investigation or determination process.
In the matter where the fucker Robert Cornall AO who received this AO for licking arses did an investigation for the APSC , there is an obvious conflict of interest, as this cock works for the Attorney General Department.
Helen Daniels was responsible in doing an investigation into atrocious conduct by Senior Management at ITSA in 2011. Not only was this skank biased because of her initial decision that the complaint had no grounds or merit despite a document and file that was 1,200 pages that she had not looked at,she eventually made the decision that it should dealt with by the Commonwealth Ombudsman who on their own admission has no investigation policy. Her failure to adequately comply with the Investigation Standards of the Attorney General's Department shows that Helen Daniels “ needs a night with a Truckie”