Friday 7 December 2012

Waiting for my FOI request/ ITSA/Dave Maher

I  can hardly wait for Monday to arrive . It will be so exciting to finally have my Freedom of Information Request from ITSA on their Investigation Policy
Originally this was requested from Dave Maher , the Freedom of Information co-ordinator at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia on the 5th August 2012. This request was never  answered.
The Office of the Information Commissioner had to intervene.

I am certain all male senior Management would all be pulling their cocks  attempting to come up with a policy that complies with their obligations.

Whether it be the fucker Adam Toma , National  Enforcement  Manager who is  on the take and attempting to stand over people  or the other fucker Gavin McCosker National Operations Manager from Queensland   who allows bankrupts to file false statement of Affairs to name a few, senior management at ITSA are all required to comply with an Investigation policy.
Senator Williams is also still waiting  for a reply to   questions asked to  Veronique Ingram  in May  2012.

There have been another 2 FOI requests to ITSA enquiring into the knowledge ITSA was aware of atrocious conduct  and failed to  act accordingly.
It is also interesting that ITSA have failed to update their disclosure log, which could mean they do not receive any FOI requests or that  ITSA fails to respond to any requests.

Subject: FOI request [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 05:28:53 +0000

Dear Ms Brown
I refer to the FOI request which you purported to send to ITSA on 22 July 2012 and your subsequent complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC ) about ITSA’s lack of response (copy of relevant e-mails attached).

ITSA has been contacted by the OAIC about this matter.  ITSA advised the OAIC that your e-mails of 22 July and 5 August were not received, as e-mail correspondence from you has been blocked since October 2009 – you were advised of this by e-mail from Adam Toma (scanned copy attached).

The OAIC asked ITSA whether it would be prepared to consider their contact with us as constituting receipt of your FOI request.  ITSA agreed to this on 7 November 2012 and I therefore acknowledge receipt of your FOI request on that date.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) ITSA has 30 days from receipt of an FOI request to make a decision whether to grant access to the documents sought.  This period can be extended if consultation is required with third parties; with the consent of the OAIC if the request is complex or voluminous; or with the consent of the applicant.  If I consider that an extension of time to process your request is required I will contact you.  If I decide to refuse access to one or more documents relevant to your request I will advise you in writing of the reasons for that refusal and of your right to seek a review of the decision.

Please note that the e-mail block remains in place, therefore any e-mails you may send to ITSA will not be received.  If you wish to correspond with ITSA about your FOI request you should write to:

The FOI Coordinator
GPO Box 821

Dave Maher
FOI Coordinator

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