Monday 17 December 2012

FOI ITSA's investigation policy/still nothing supplied

My original Freedom of Information request for ITSA' s investigation policy was made on the 5th August 2012.
It is not surprising that ITSA has refused to supply this .
On the 5th November the Office of the Information Commissioner had to make ITSA aware of the obligations to supply this. The request should have been received no latter than the 9th December.
As yet I have received nothing. OAIC had to be contacted last tuesday and again today.
Adam Toma had made it clear that Dave Maher was to supply nothing to me.
I find this rather amusing because  this fucker Adam Toma is National Enforcement Manager at ITSA and this cock is corrupt.
So let us see who has the last laugh when I do property searches on Adam Toma and post them all up on the internet!!!!!!!!!

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