Sunday 8 January 2012

Is Adam Toma blackmailing Inspector General Veronique Ingram

Adam Toma National Manager Enforcement and Regulation is on the Audit Committee at Itsa. Veronique Ingram has been made aware of his corrupt conduct but continues to protect him.........
Why is Veronique Ingram protecting him????????????? Because he helps her to meet performance Standards while promoting corrupt conduct on ITSA audit committee???????????
It is like asking the fucking Catholic church to investigate the Catholic Church..................
Part of the requirements of the Audit Committee is to enforce Itsa's compliance with the APS code of conduct and values is being met and compliance with the Bankruptcy Act.
If ITSA has a manager on the audit committee that is applying systemic corrupt conduct and the Inspector General is approving this …........ What the Fuck is going on at ITSA????????????
Has Veronique Ingram done something and Adam Toma is blackmailing her????????????????

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