Monday 2 January 2012


This is an account of the behavior of treasury. What are you hiding Wane Swan???
On the 3rd October 2010 at 1.30 I rang treasury at 1.30 to bring to their attention the systemic co-ordinated corrupt conduct at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia .
I spoke to Christy at reception ( who was a rude bitch) and was put through to the Insolvency department.
Instead of this department looking into this matter I was told to simply forget about it because there was nothing that could be done.
I then made a phone call to Wayne Swans office where I was fobbed off. I then sent an email to confirm this. I received no response.
Kiss my ARSE Federal treasurer.
So........... ITSA is promoting systemic co-ordinated corrupt conduct.
Adam Toma is on the Audit committee at ITSA and therefore is protecting this behavior. Adam Toma is the Corrupt National manager Enforcement and regulations.
Veronique Ingram Inspector General in bankruptcy is responsible for this Government department. She has allowed this co-ordinated corrupt conduct to go on for so long that to try to stop it would be suicide for her career so she keeps attempting to cover it up.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman is given extensive evidence of the corrupt conduct at ITSA and also attempts to cover it up because exposing the level of corrupt conduct would put the Government at enormous liability.
First Kent Purvis from the Commonwealth Ombudsman attempted to cover it up, then Margaret Chinnery attempted to cover it up and then................... holy shit.................. the acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Alison Larkins and assistant senior Ombudsman Diane Merryfull did a deal with ITSA to coverup and protect all involved.

How long has the Auditor General been presenting false Performance Audit reports to Parliament????????????????????

There   is nothing fucking independent about the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Auditor General.
What the fuck.................... a corrupt National Manager Enforcement and regulations part of ITSA's Audit committee …......... What the Fuck..........

Again Kiss my fat ARSE Federal Treasurer!!!!!!!!!!!

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