Wednesday 4 January 2012

Veronique Ingram's new year letter

Veronique Ingram
Inspector General in Bankruptcy
Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Dear Veronique,
Wishing you and your staff a very happy new year.

Congratulations on achieving a deal with the Commonwealth Ombudsman to cover up corrupt systemic corruption by senior staff .
The reporting of this to the Attorney General as required under section 15 of the Ombudsman's Act would have put pressure on you and possibly trashed your reputation .The Commonwealth Ombudsman's decision to coverup this corrupt conduct has obviously saved the Federal Government a considerable amount of money.
A highlight of ITSA's must be the inclusion of Adam Toma as part of ITSA's Audit Committee. This will make it easier for you to achieve your goals and mislead Parliament in your annual report. I understand S134(3) of the Bankruptcy Act is being used by Adam Toma to breach the Bankruptcy Act. You will be aware this section ONLY refers to property. Using this section to justify corrupt conduct will definitely make things easier for ITSA
In the past 18months ITSA got rid of Tibor Karolyi. I know you will claim he went voluntarily , but you know he was extremely upset that he was passed over for the position he had been acting in. He then went on to work for Crouch Amirbeaggi and that didn't work out either. I know ITSA was not happy with him particularly because he was unable to to stand up to me.
He told me it was a policy of ITSA to accept false information from Bankrupts
ITSA also dismissed Ganasan Narianasmy only to have to reinstate him. Brad O'Brien claimed he gave me personal information and breached the APS Code of Conduct. Ganasan was actually overseas at the time. The person that gave me the information was Mark Findlay from Bankruptcy Regulations.
Giulia Inga is also gone, which is so frustrating to me because I had so much evidence on her.
I also found it amusing that Adam Toma sent me a threatening email because I upset Tibor, who was already upset because he had been overlooked for the position at ITSA he wanted and I also upset Florence Choo who was actually resigning from ITSA because she had witheld information from me and intentionally mislead me
Adam Toma threatened to charge me under 474.17 of the criminal code. How very funny.......... I am sure the court would not have been amused at him wasting their time. It is just the lengths that ITSA will go to try and coverup their total mismanagement of the Bankruptcy Act
You will now be pleased to know that ITSA and the Commonwealth Ombudsman has been referred to th Australian Public Service Commissioner for breaches of the APS ACT. I have also requested a copy of the report made on the 11th November 2011 when the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal with ITSA to cover up systemic corrupt conduct bu senior staff. Luke Phelps , from the Commonwealth Ombudsman legal department is considering this and I should hear from him at the earliest on the 9.01.2012.
I do realize this puts Luke into a position where releasing the original document or report will not be in your best interest. I am particularly interested what shortcomings was identified by the Commonwealth Ombudsman and what practice was put in place to ensure they did not occur again.
So Veronique, …............ you should kiss Alison Larkins ARSE.... and maybe you should send her a big bunch of flowers and a big bottle of Scotch and maybe this will help her come to terms with the deep hole of Shit you have put her in.
Have a good day,
Fiona Brown

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